Advanced Topo Maps

Decide the fate of this plugin.

Ok,The polls show some lets see how that translates into reality, with some pre-ordering.
When the platform goals are reached the plugins will be officially released.
Pre-order and download Advanced Topo maps now at the special pre-order price of just 69 EUR

What does pre-order mean?

When you pre-order , you get the plugin for both MAC and PC as 64 bit compiles and an invite to a dropbox folder , with a few simple examples to get you started.

There is no serial, and currently no documentation, but the plugin is fully functional.

[EJUNKIE_ADD2CART item="009"]

[wppb progress=15/50 fullwidth=true percent=inside name = "PC Pre-Orders     "]

[wppb progress=25/50 fullwidth=true percent=inside name = "MAC Pre-Orders "]


Topo Maps is a plugin for cinema4D, which generates various types of vertex map in realtime.

The following modes are currently implemented using all your processor cores to generate custom vertex maps which can be adjusted in realtime.

  • Mesh Area Denstity – the relative surface density of your polygon structure(s) .
  • Mesh Angle – describes the relative surface angles of your polygon structure(s) .
  • Ambient Occlusion – shows the Ambient Acclusion of your polygon structure(s).
  • Volume Depth – a map of the sub surface volume of your polygon structure(s)
  • Shadow – a unique shadow from one or more light sources onto your polygon structure(s)
  • Deformed Delta -  describes the liniear distance between the deformed and undeformed state.
  • Deformed Tensor – describes the surface area density delta between the deformed and undefromed state.


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